The Loud House Episode X

On the night of November 9, 2016, an unlisted lost episode of The Loud House aired on Nickelodeon. It was originally produced as a halloween special, but was cancelled and shelved, because Nickelodeon thought it would be too disturbing and frightening. They were right.
The reason why it randomly aired unannounced is unknown. It was rumored to have been a complete accident. The episode was entirely in black and white, had terrible quality, extremely bad audio, and the animation was done horribly.
When it came on, The Loud House theme song didn't appear. Just a black screen and silence. Then after around 30 seconds, a loud beeping noise started and soon a message appeared that said "October 31, 2016. The Loud House Episode X: The Black Dusk."
The 1st shot shows the dining room. The Loud parents had apparently ordered a pizza for lunch, so they called the kids. Everybody came downstairs, except Luan. In this scene, everyone looks either depressed, anxious, or angry. Oddly though, Lucy walked to the couch and just sat there, with an emotionless expression.
Seeing as how Luan didn't come down, the parents had Lori check on Luan and have her come down for lunch. When Lori went to Luan's room, she saw something that was absolutely terrifying. Luan was naked, cutting herself and drinking her own blood. Luan then charged at Lori and slit her throat. Lori died within seconds. Luan then put Lori in her closet. The family noticed that Lori and Luan hadn't come down, so the parents went up to investigate. The parents saw Luan with cuts all over her body and then Lori fell out of the closet. They were shocked at what Luan had done to Lori. They sobbed for some time, until Luan got a knife and stabbed both of the parents to death.
The rest of the Loud sisters (excluding Lucy) heard the sounds of flesh being chopped and went to see what happened. When they saw all the blood and carnage left by Luan, they ran downstairs to warn Lucy, who was still sitting on the couch. She just ignored them. They tried warning her again, but this time she turned her neck around a full 180, and she had an extremely creepy grin on her face, as if she was possessed by a demon. She then attacked and killed, Lola, Lana, and Lily. She then tried to attack Lynn, but Lynn kicked her in the stomach and grabbed a knife from the kitchen. She then stabbed Lucy in the heart, killing her instantly. The other Loud siblings appeared to be upset with what Lynn did, but forgave her, as she had no choice.
Luan then came out of nowhere, and tried to attack Lincoln, Lynn, Leni, Luna, and Lisa with a chainsaw, leading them to be chased outside. They ran to Clyde's house to warn him of the situation. Before Clyde could do anything, Luan pinned Clyde to the ground and sawed him in half. They ran back to their house and hid in Lisa's room.
A week later, they came out only to see that almost everything has been burned down. Luna then found a newspaper on the ground, only to find out that a virus had broken out and the zombie apocalypse had came. In the middle of the road, they saw Luan, Lori, Lucy, and a bunch of other zombies charging towards them. Lisa then hands out specialized guns to Lincoln, Lynn, Luna, and Leni. They started killing zombies. Somehow, Luan remained as one of the few survivors. Leni was then killed by the zombies and had her face partially eaten off. The other Loud sisters were distracted by this, and were killed by Luan. At this point, the quality gets even worse.
Luan then tackled Lincoln and chopped his head off with an axe. Then, Luan chopped one of her arms off for some reason and then died. The sun is then shown setting into the distance amongst the carnage left behind. The screen then panned out, faded to black, and the episode ended.
After it ended, a message appeared on screen. It said: "We are sorry for the inconvenience. This episode was never meant to be aired. We now return to what was normally scheduled."